Monday, September 30, 2019

Liberty Communication Satellite Phones Essay

Mexico is one of the leading markets for electronic goods such as mobiles creating a global business avenue. Like any other business, a number of risks face electronic goods. The objective of the paper is to conduct a risk analysis on Mexico for Liberty communications Satellite Phones Company a new business venture. Risk analysis in this case is an aspect of identifying risk factors that jeopardize the success of the new communication company in Mexico. The rules regulate marketing, supply and distribution of satellite mobile phones which affects operation of business. Communication through satellite mobile is regulated by rules made by politicians and thus the company is supposed to have adequate knowledge about communication rules. Another risk to be analyzed is exchange and repatriation of funds which relates to exchange rates. The company is supposed to consider the value of Mexican currency against other currencies to meet global standards (Fleisher Craiq, 2005). This risk occurs when currency trades badly against other currencies as it is a loss to the communication company. Competition is a general risk to any kind of business and thus Liberty communications should consider evaluating whether there is any other dominating company that deals with satellite mobile phones. Upon close evaluation of the communication sector, Liberty communications is bound to make sound decisions about that particular venture. Every business is bound to pay tax to government and this is a major area of concern by Liberty communications. The taxation rate differs from one business to another according to laws made by political entities (Culpan Refik, 2002). In certain instances, the rate of taxation is very high making business to pay heavily. The communication company should consider laws regarding taxation and double taxation. Marketing of satellite phones is a major risk that ought to be analyzed before venturing into communication market. The major aspects to be considered include the 4p’s such as product, price, place and promotion. Management at Liberty communication is supposed to consider putting satellite phones (product) at the right place (Mexico) at the right price and time (promotion). Once these elements are considered the company successfully ventures communication sector without obstacles. Distribution and supply chain is another major risk that should be analyzed as it can lead to poor trading. The company is bound to exploit certain royal customers with the intention to make maximum sales. Distribution of satellite phones is exposed to both physical and environmental risks which should be evaluated before venturing into the business. Social and cultural life of Mexican people is another major area that exposes the company to risks. The social life and cultural practices in Mexico have an influence in communication and Liberty communications is bound to consider such values. This is related to life style as it is influenced by technology and cyber. Management of Liberty Company should consider whether Mexican people have enough knowledge on technology as it is the main area of specialization. References Fleisher Craiq, 2005, Competitive Intelligence and global Business, Praeger. Culpan Refik, 2002, Global Business Alliances: Theory and Practice, Quorum Books.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Last Sacrifice Chapter Two

AS ALWAYS, IT WAS DISORIENTING. Faces and skulls, translucent and luminescent, all hovered around me. They were drawn to me, swarming in a cloud as though they all desperately needed to say something. And really, they probably did. The ghosts that lingered in this world were restless, souls who had reasons that kept them from moving on. When Lissa had brought me back from the dead, I'd kept a connection to their world. It had taken a lot of work and self-control to learn to block out the phantoms that followed me. The magical wards that protected the Moroi Court actually kept most ghosts away from me, but this time, I wanted them here. Giving them that access, drawing them in †¦ well, it was a dangerous thing. Something told me that if ever there was a restless spirit, it would be a queen who had been murdered in her own bed. I saw no familiar faces among this group but didn't give up hope. â€Å"Tatiana,' I murmured, focusing my thoughts on the dead queen's face. â€Å"Tatiana, come to me.' I had once been able to summon one ghost easily: my friend Mason, who'd been killed by Strigoi. While Tatiana and I weren't as close as Mason and I had been, we certainly had a connection. For a while, nothing happened. The same blur of faces swirled before me in the cell, and I began to despair. Then, all of a sudden, she was there. She stood in the clothes she'd been murdered in, a long nightgown and robe covered in blood. Her colors were muted, flickering like a malfunctioning TV screen. Nonetheless, the crown on her head and regal stance gave her the same queenly air I remembered. Once she materialized, she said and did nothing. She simply stared at me, her dark gaze practically piercing my soul. A tangle of emotions tightened in my chest. That gut reaction I always got around Tatiana–anger and resentment–flared up. Then, it was muddled by a surprising wave of sympathy. No one's life should end the way hers had. I hesitated, afraid the guards would hear me. Somehow, I had a feeling the volume of my voice didn't matter, and none of them could see what I saw. I held up the note. â€Å"Did you write this?' I breathed. â€Å"Is it true?' She continued to stare. Mason's ghost had behaved similarly. Summoning the dead was one thing; communicating with them was a whole other matter. â€Å"I have to know. If there is another Dragomir, I'll find them.' No point in drawing attention to the fact that I was in no position to find anything or anyone. â€Å"But you have to tell me. Did you write this letter? Is it true?' Only that maddening gaze answered me. My frustration grew, and the pressure of all those spirits began to give me a headache. Apparently, Tatiana was as annoying in death as she had been in life. I was about to bring my walls back and push the ghosts away when Tatiana made the smallest of movements. It was a tiny nod, barely noticeable. Her hard eyes then shifted down to the note in my hand, and just like that–she was gone. I slammed my barriers back up, using all my will to close myself off from the dead. The headache didn't disappear, but those faces did. I sank back on the bed and stared at the note without seeing it. There was my answer. The note was real. Tatiana had written it. Somehow, I doubted her ghost had any reason to lie. Stretching out, I rested my head on the pillow and waited for that terrible throbbing to go away. I closed my eyes and used the spirit bond to return and see what Lissa had been doing. Since my arrest, she'd been busy pleading and arguing on my behalf, so I expected to find more of the same. Instead she was †¦ dress shopping. I was almost offended at my best friend's frivolity until I realized she was looking for a funeral dress. She was in one of the Court's tucked away stores, one that catered to royal families. To my surprise, Adrian was with her. Seeing his familiar, handsome face eased some of the fear in me. A quick probe of her mind told me why he was here: she'd talked him into coming because she didn't want him left alone. I could understand why. He was completely drunk. It was a wonder he could stand, and in fact, I strongly suspected the wall he leaned against was all that held him up. His brown hair was a mess–and not in the purposeful way he usually styled it. His deep green eyes were bloodshot. Like Lissa, Adrian was a spirit user. He had an ability she didn't yet: he could visit people's dreams. I'd expected him to come to me since my imprisonment, and now it made sense why he hadn't. Alcohol stunted spirit. In some ways, that was a good thing. Excessive spirit created a darkness that drove its users insane. But spending life perpetually drunk wasn't all that healthy either. Seeing him through Lissa's eyes triggered emotional confusion nearly as intense as what I'd experienced with Tatiana. I felt bad for him. He was obviously worried and upset about me, and the startling events this last week had blindsided him as much as the rest of us. He'd also lost his aunt whom, despite her brusque attitude, he'd cared for. Yet, in spite of all this, I felt †¦ scorn. That was unfair, perhaps, but I couldn't help it. I cared about him so much and understood him being upset, but there were better ways of dealing with his loss. His behavior was almost cowardly. He was hiding from his problems in a bottle, something that went against every piece of my nature. Me? I couldn't let my problems win without a fight. â€Å"Velvet,' the shopkeeper told Lissa with certainty. The wizened Moroi woman held up a voluminous, long-sleeved gown. â€Å"Velvet is traditional in the royal escort.' Along with the rest of the fanfare, Tatiana's funeral would have a ceremonial escort walking alongside the coffin, with a representative from each family there. Apparently, no one minded that Lissa fill that role for her family. But voting? That was another matter. Lissa eyed the dress. It looked more like a Halloween costume than a funeral gown. â€Å"It's ninety degrees out,' said Lissa. â€Å"And humid.' â€Å"Tradition demands sacrifice,' the woman said melodramatically. â€Å"As does tragedy.' Adrian opened his mouth, undoubtedly ready with some inappropriate and mocking comment. Lissa gave him a sharp headshake that kept him quiet. â€Å"Aren't there any, I don't know, sleeveless options?' The saleswoman's eyes widened. â€Å"No one has ever worn straps to a royal funeral. It wouldn't be right.' â€Å"What about shorts?' asked Adrian. â€Å"Are they okay if they're with a tie? Because that's what I was gonna go with.' The woman looked horrified. Lissa shot Adrian a look of disdain, not so much because of the remark–which she found mildly amusing–but because she too was disgusted by his constant state of intoxication. â€Å"Well, no one treats me like a full-fledged royal,' said Lissa, turning back to the dresses. â€Å"No reason to act like one now. Show me your straps and short-sleeves.' The saleswoman grimaced but complied. She had no problem advising royals on fashion but wouldn't dare order them to do or wear anything. It was part of the class stratification of our world. The woman walked across the store to find the requested dresses, just as Lissa's boyfriend and his aunt entered the shop. Christian Ozera, I thought, was who Adrian should have been acting like. The fact that I could even think like that was startling. Times had certainly changed from when I held Christian up as a role model. But it was true. I'd watched him with Lissa this last week, and Christian had been determined and steadfast, doing whatever he could to help her in the wake of Tatiana's death and my arrest. From the look on his face now, it was obvious he had something important to relay. His outspoken aunt, Tasha Ozera, was another study in strength and grace under pressure. She'd raised him after his parents had turned Strigoi–and had attacked her, leaving Tasha with scarring on one side of her face. Moroi had always relied on guardians for defense, but after that attack, Tasha had decided to take matters into her own hands. She'd learned to fight, training with all sorts of hand-to-hand methods and weapons. She was really quite a badass and constantly pushed for other Moroi to learn combat too. Lissa let go of a dress she'd been examining and turned to Christian eagerly. After me, there was no one else she trusted more in the world. He'd been her rock throughout all of this. He looked around the store, not appearing overly thrilled to be surrounded by dresses. â€Å"You guys are shopping?' he asked, glancing from Lissa to Adrian. â€Å"Getting in a little girl time?' â€Å"Hey, you'd benefit from a wardrobe change,' said Adrian. â€Å"Besides, I bet you'd look great in a halter top.' Lissa ignored the guys' banter and focused on the Ozeras. â€Å"What did you find out?' â€Å"They've decided not to take action,' said Christian. His lips curled in disdain. â€Å"Well, not any punishment kind of action.' Tasha nodded. â€Å"We're trying to push the idea that he just thought Rose was in danger and jumped in before he realized what was actually happening.' My heart stopped. Dimitri. They were talking about Dimitri. For a moment, I was no longer with Lissa. I was no longer in my cell. Instead, I was back to the day of my arrest. I'd been arguing with Dimitri in a cafe, scolding him for his continued refusal to talk to me, let alone continue our former relationship. I'd decided then that I was done with him, that things were truly over and that I wouldn't let him keep tearing my heart apart. That was when the guardians had come for me, and no matter what Dimitri claimed about his Strigoi-time making him unable to love, he had reacted with lightning speed in my defense. We'd been hopelessly outnumbered, but he hadn't cared. The look on his face–and my own uncanny understanding of him–had told me all I needed to know. I was facing a threat. He had to defend me. And defend me he had. He'd fought like the god he'd been back at St. Vladimir's Academy, when he'd taught me how to battle Strigoi. He incapacitated more guardians in that cafe than one man should have been able to. The only thing that had ended it– and I truly believe he would have fought until his last breath–had been my intervention. I hadn't known at the time what was going on or why a legion of guardians would want to arrest me. But I had realized that Dimitri was in serious danger of harming his already fragile status around Court. A Strigoi being restored was unheard of, and many still didn't trust him. I'd begged Dimitri to stop, more afraid of what would happen to him than me. Little had I known what was in store for me. He'd come to my hearing–under guard–but neither Lissa nor I had seen him since. Lissa had been working hard to clear him of any wrongdoing, fearing they'd lock him up again. And me? I'd been trying to tell myself not to over-think what he had done. My arrest and potential execution took precedence. Yet †¦ I still wondered. Why had he done it? Why had he risked his life for mine? Was it an instinctive reaction to a threat? Had he done it as a favor to Lissa, whom he'd sworn to help in return for freeing him? Or had he truly done it because he still had feelings for me? I still didn't know the answer, but seeing him like that, like the fierce Dimitri from my past, had stirred up the feelings I was so desperately trying to get over. I kept trying to assure myself that recovering from a relationship took time. Lingering feelings were natural. Unfortunately, it took longer to get over a guy when he threw himself into danger for you. Regardless, Christian and Tasha's words gave me hope about Dimitri's fate. After all, I wasn't the only one walking a tenuous line between life and death. Those convinced Dimitri was still Strigoi wanted to see a stake through his heart. â€Å"They're keeping him confined again,' said Christian. â€Å"But not in a cell. Just in his room, with a couple of guards. They don't want him out around Court until things settle down.' â€Å"That's better than jail,' admitted Lissa. â€Å"It's still absurd,' snapped Tasha, more to herself than the others. She and Dimitri had been close over the years, and she'd once wanted to take that relationship to another level. She'd settled for friendship, and her outrage over the injustice done to him was as strong as ours. â€Å"They should have let him go as soon as he became a dhampir again. Once the elections are settled, I'm going to make sure he's free.' â€Å"And that's what's weird †¦' Christian's pale blue eyes narrowed thoughtfully. â€Å"We heard that Tatiana had told others before she–before she–‘ Christian hesitated and glanced uneasily at Adrian. The pause was uncharacteristic for Christian, who usually spoke his mind abruptly. â€Å"Before she was murdered,' said Adrian flatly, not looking at any of them. â€Å"Go on.' Christian swallowed. â€Å"Um, yeah. I guess–not in public–she'd announced that she believed Dimitri really was a dhampir again. Her plan was to help him get more acceptance once the other stuff settled down.' The â€Å"other stuff' was the age law mentioned in Tatiana's note, the one saying dhampirs turning sixteen would be forced to graduate and start defending Moroi. It had infuriated me, but like so many other things now †¦ well, it was kind of on hold. Adrian made a strange sound, like he was clearing his throat. â€Å"She did not.' Christian shrugged. â€Å"Lots of her advisors said she did. That's the rumor.' â€Å"I have a hard time believing it too,' Tasha told Adrian. She'd never approved of Tatiana's policies and had vehemently spoken out against them on more than one occasion. Adrian's disbelief wasn't political, though. His was simply coming from ideas he'd always had about his aunt. She'd never given any indication that she wanted to help Dimitri regain his old status. Adrian made no further comment, but I knew this topic was kindling sparks of jealousy within him. I'd told him Dimitri was in the past and that I was ready to move on, but Adrian–like me–must have undoubtedly wondered about the motivations behind Dimitri's gallant defense. Lissa began to speculate on how they might get Dimitri out of house arrest when the saleswoman returned with an armful of dresses she clearly disapproved of. Biting her lip, Lissa fell silent. She filed away Dimitri's situation as something to deal with later. Instead, she wearily prepared to try on clothes and play the part of a good little royal girl. Adrian perked up at the sight of the dresses. â€Å"Any halters in there?' I returned to my cell, mulling over the problems that just seemed to keep piling up. I was worried about both Adrian and Dimitri. I was worried about myself. I was also worried about this so-called lost Dragomir. I was starting to believe the story could be real, but there was nothing I could do about it, which frustrated me. I needed to take action when it came to helping Lissa. Tatiana had told me in her letter to be careful whom I spoke to about the matter. Should I pass this mission on to someone else? I wanted to take charge of it, but the bars and suffocating walls around me said I might not be able to take charge of anything for a while, not even my own life. Two weeks. Needing further distraction, I gave in and began reading Abe's book, which was exactly the tale of wrongful imprisonment I'd expected it to be. It was pretty good and taught me that faking my own death apparently wouldn't work as an escape method. The book unexpectedly stirred up old memories. A chill went down my spine as I recalled a Tarot reading that a Moroi named Rhonda had given to me. She was Ambrose's aunt, and one of the cards she'd drawn for me had shown a woman tied to swords. Wrongful imprisonment. Accusations. Slander. Damn. I was really starting to hate those cards. I always insisted they were a scam, yet they had an annoying tendency to come true. The end of her reading had shown a journey, but to where? A real prison? My execution? Questions with no answers. Welcome to my world. Out of options for now, I figured I might as well try to get some rest. Stretching out on the pallet, I tried to push away those constant worries. Not easy. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw a judge banging a gavel, condemning me to death. I saw my name in the history books, not as a hero, but as a traitor. Lying there, choking on my own fear, I thought of Dimitri. I pictured his steady gaze and could practically hear him lecturing me. Don't worry now about what you can't change. Rest when you can so you'll be ready for tomorrow's battles. The imaginary advice calmed me. Sleep came at last, heavy and deep. I'd tossed and turned a lot this week, so true rest was welcome. Then–I woke up. I sat upright in bed, my heart pounding. Peering around, I looked for danger–any threat that might have startled me out of that sleep. There was nothing. Darkness. Silence. The faint squeak of a chair down the hall told me my guards were still around. The bond, I realized. The bond had woken me up. I'd felt a sharp, intense flare of †¦ what? Intensity. Anxiety. A rush of adrenaline. Panic raced through me, and I dove deeper into Lissa, trying to find what had caused that surge of emotion from her. What I found was †¦ nothing. The bond was gone.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Describe how political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders Essay

Describe how political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders. Tesco In all the business in the country like Britain, they have to have this in mind that there are changes that are taking place in the business environment and to the people who maybe the shareholders. These changes can be the political, legal, and the social factors with the business environment and the country. Political factors of Tesco as a retail and a large business in Britain. Political factors are the decisions that are made by the politicians who have got all the powers to run the country and control over people and their business. The political factors have got three different levels that help to run the people, country and businesses. The national level: These levels consider is all about the political parties that protect the members of the parliament in the general elections. There is a party that is being led by the prime minister who appoints the ministers in charge of the key areas of the government e.g. Health of the people in the country, education, and also the industry which could be the businesses in the country to make sure they are running smoothly. The international level: Britain is a member of the European Union (EU). This level has got responsibility to make political decisions that increase the effect whatever decisions that done within the members of the states. The local level: This level consists of councils that are representatives of the population of the other people and make decisions about the local issues on behalf of the other local members. The local level has got all the people who help to set power for the people who are living in the particular area by providing protections to the people who are living area the council. These political decisions involve making choices that affect large numbers of people and their businesses. The decisions that are made by the politicians are making laws that will tend to favour or give chance to some groups at the expense of others. Some of the decisions that can be made maybe a favour the business like Tesco when the law is made / decided that every business will not be paying any taxes with whatever they are doing. That can be favour for the shareholders will be earning a lot from their business. But some decisions that are made sometimes may restrain business, e.g. when taxes of the business is raised this will be some of the down fall of the small businesses because the shareholders won’t be getting profits from what they have started in the business. The business will not be providing good services to the people who are the customers so their needs won’t be satisfied. These political factors have got some impacts factors to the business: Political stability: some times, the political stability favours the business. Within this political stability the political factor level that is used is the national level. This political level will find the way to put its plans into action that the people will have to fellow. The plans at the national level are made public to everyone to know it and they can be of good help to business planning. Tesco as a business can be able to use the government plans to identify the likely changes and how their plans that are made at nation level affect them in their business. This provides business with a degree of faith in whatever they are doing for the next few years for the business that has just been setup. Sometimes is political stability different leadership can be an effect to the business and the people in the country. This is when the elections are being taken in place and the president you hard before changed to another person’s which means all the rules and regulations that run the country or the business will have to change and that can be a bad thing to the people you are heading or the business you will be managing. This is all like having confidence in your business as a shareholder. if the education level is high in the area there will be more skilled workers and this will leads to high income. High income means demands for goods and services will increase. Taxation: this term means the money that each business pays on each product and that the business sale. The taxes are levied by the national government like with type of taxes called the income tax and the local government which may deal with the business rates with the products they are selling to the customers. Taxation has a very important purpose to the government because it helps it to raise revenue and also enables it to discourage many activities that the business do and encourage others by lowing the rates of taxes so that they can be able to start up. These are some of the examples of taxes that business use Corporation tax: This type of tax deals with taxes on the profits that are made by the companies like energy companies. Income tax: This type of tax is all about the income the people who are self employed like the sole traders and other people who get income like the employees in the business like the people working in the Tesco. National insurance: This is the required tax that is being paid for pensions like sickness, and unemployed benefits. This is given to the people who may have left their places of work for important reasons, like may be age, serious sickness and other things. VAT (value added tax): This type of tax is that tax that is added to the products that are needed and required by the business. So for example if Tesco needs a product from any business outside it, the price it costs will be added on by the Tesco business to get it and that’s called the vat. So it’s always on retail goods that are being bought and into the business. Customs duty: This is the type of tax that is paid by the business on the imports and the exports of the goods and services. The imports of Tesco as a business will be the goods that are not made and no produced by them. The exports will be the goods that Tesco will be made by the business themselves and they are living the out of the business to other country or to other business that not produce them. The government will have more powers to increase taxes on some of the goods that are sold by the business like cigarettes these are harmful things to human beings. They can because of diseases to people like lung cancer so the government will be fighting against the production of cigarettes by increasing the taxes on it so that people’s health can be better for them. The government can also make an increase of taxes on the fuel that is being used by cars and machines. The reason of this can be that many fuel oils are making smelly gases causing pollution and that can be bad effect to the people lives. Tesco has all both affects of people’s lives the cigarettes and fuel oil selling and so if the government is making tax increase on them the business will see taxes as high cost that takes and uses a lot of its profit from what they had planned for as business shareholders. Government provides direct support to specific types of business and specific activities in two different from grants and loans. A grant is that money that the government gives to a business and it’s not repaid. The main reason why the government provides this is because some business activity supports the government policy. The example here is that the government may give grants to employees to go and train others about business and the money that they have given out is not repaid back. The government also gives out loans to business on a specific purpose. The government loans are of interest rates whereby you borrow money from the banks and pay it back at an interest rate of more money rate you got it for. Government decision to join the European Union because the businesses in this country have got good things and bad things that can be of good help to other countries and their businesses. This is a good thing because trading can be freely without being charged for so there can be free importing and exporting of goods to and from the country. An impact on that can be that businesses have to be more competitive with other business if they want to have trade with the European Union business. This can lead the businesses to produce more and sell more at an affordable price so that they can get free trade market with others. Social factor Demographics The increase of people’s population in the country or area. This is like the number of people changing from the percentage of 90 to an increase of 100% increase of population in the place. Businesses sell more products and the shareholders get more profits. Due to the increase of customers, there will be high demand of products from the customers. More people in the area will lead to more setting up of new business whether big or small businesses from other people. Households and family Helps the business to know the peoples expenditure on how they spend since there many people living alone in house. Education All business needs to employ people who have got better education skills on high level for particular job. This can be of help to both the business and the person him/her self. If there was good education in maybe Peckham at Harris there will be more people who will move to Peckham and so the business near or around will get more customers in the business. Attitudes to work Attitudes at the place of work depend on the different ways people in the business like the employees act ways and behaviour to the customers. If it’s in the bad way them the business will lose customers and so the businesses will not have money. People with right attitudes will be more productive. E.g. Foreigners who are prepared to work hard may be chosen over the local people. Religions: Religion can be a big factor to the business simply because there many people who are living in the area, many people have got different religions believes that they follow for the best of the religion towards the lord. I will give an example here of Muslim’s are have got different believes towards the business like all Muslims in the world do not eat pork as its part of their religion, they also don’t drink alcohol or even smoke, so all of this can affect the business that can that can be in the area of there are only Muslims around that place so if your business is selling one of the mentions things above you are most likely to het loses from them all since you not getting any customers. Another religion maybe Christian, there people don’t work on Sundays the reason being that is they also have to go to their place of worship so there is no need for them to go to work. This can affect the business because there will be no people helping in the store to serve the customers so therefore you need to do the job by yourself or ether close the shop on Sundays . Ethics This in the business are the values principals that run the business, these ethics affect the business through the fair trade in the business this is more like some business should offer fair price to their customers. This money can be used to save people in Africa. In the business like Tesco all the people who buy products like buying a biscuit at 50p and in the other shops the same biscuit is at 40p which means the shop that is selling the biscuit at 5op is having fair trade to help the other people and poor people in Africa. Environment: the business have to use resources well and minimising waste, some of the business wastes that can affect the environment and the bags that are been used in the business for the customers package. Business should make sure that they treat the customer’s very well attitude to male and female role. Attitude to male and female. In the past years, male use to work and the female used to stayed home to baby sit the children, but this time and year both the genders are now working and there more numbers of woman working that the man, women tend to be more attractive at their place of work than the woman Changes in structures In the UK, the highest numbers of people living in the country are the old. This is a impact to the business, if there more people in the country and they old people there will be more business springing up to care for the needs of the old people like transportation them in cars from home to their place of care, many of the old people will be an impact for the pharmacies and health centres, which will need to expand into many places Indore to meet the needs of old people department on the population. Legal factors Consumer laws and regulations: This is the act where the business like Tesco has got all the powers to make its consumers to be happy and taking responsibility of the business. This act has all the business to satisfy the customers quality which will means that all the goods that the consumers buys are meeting there satisfaction so they are happy with the business serving them as their customers. Tesco has to make sure that all the goods it selling to the consumers is fit for purpose. Like if you as the consumers you buying something from the business like you asked for an x box 360 but instead of the staff in the business giving you the right thing that you asked for they give you something else which maybe wrong that can be fit for purpose so the business has to be so careful with that when serving their customers. Employment law: Employees are also protected at their places of work and the employers according to the component of employment protection. Before the employees are asking for the job in any place of work in the business they should all have their personal details that can describe them when asking for the job to help the employers? Like they should have their forms with their full names, job tittle, hours they would be happy with in working, holiday pay entitlement all that is needed by the employers to know what you would really want when you are in the business (Tesco). The time of work like what time they should be coming at the work place and the time they will be leaving to get a proper rest to get ready for the next day. This can help the employees because it can really give them time to spend with their families like their children at home or even going out with their fellow staff members. Wage regulations, this concedes with the employees payment in terms of the money they are being paid for the job that they are doing. They should know how much salary they are getting hourly or monthly which can be done on time because it has to be of good help to them when they need it. Competition law: In the business environment there are laws that run how the business should compete with each other in terms of what they selling or doing. Law against the preventive business practices to reduce competition. This is like there are more than two shareholders agreeing over making the decisions of making prices on the goods that they are selling in their business. This can be controlled by measuring or looking at the amount of the product you bought how it was sold to you so that you can get it in the business so looking at the price you were sold make a decision on more than the price you as the shareholders you got it and then make the sell price in your business. In the business to manage the competition with other business all the goods that are sold in the business have to be so affordable to the customers so it’s so more different from the other business that sell the same thing as your business like Tesco its main competitors is asda, Sainsbury that are selling the same things so Tesco has to make its goods more affordable and provide good customer services to its consumers to win the other competition from the other businesses. Conclusion The result of the political analysis shows that the country is politically stable. But traditional values are still very important and need to be taken into account. If TESCO decides to expand, it must be aware that it is only allowed employing local workers. Also, the cheap local fund borrowing has the benefit over taxes and the good infrastructure is to be seen positively. In addition to that, the analyses showed that they are all people in the business and the outside the business and minded towards foreign operated supermarkets. The analysis of social factors shows that they are all about the living things like considering the services that are in the business and to the people how they are living like education, families, health and population in the country or in the particular .The high living standards in the country area advantageous for TESCO as they allow people to spend a large amount of their income on groceries that they are selling.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Summary what you have learned from lectures Assignment

Summary what you have learned from lectures - Assignment Example On the other side, counterproductive behaviors are those that are a hindrance to the accomplishment of the organization’s goals such as hostility, reduced efficiency etc. As an employee, recognizing these behaviors affects the quality of results that one attains in the organization, while to a leader, it is important to encourage the internal and organization citizenship behavior while discouraging the counterproductive behaviors. Organization commitment Organizational commitment can be explained as the desire for an employee to be ad remain part of the organization, it influences whether an employee stays in an organization or leaves to take up another job elsewhere. An affective commitment is whereby an employee stays in an organization because he wants to; he is emotionally attached and involved with the organization. In continuance commitment, an employee stays in an organization because he needs to, he is fully aware of the cost implications of moving from that organizati on and therefore desires to stays, normative commitment is because of the employee feeling that she ought to stay in the organization; one feels obligated to be in the organization. ... Motivation can either be extrinsic, which is because of external outcomes such as bonuses, job security and promotions, or intrinsic which is internal motivation such as a sense of accomplishment, skill development and a general enjoyment of the work. Learning and Decision Making Learning can be explained as a change that results from experience in the knowledge or skill that an employee poses, learning can be through reinforcement that is the use of rewards and punishment, observation and experience. In learning, classical conditioning implies that an employee’s response to a stimulus is not what would have been expected. Through operant conditioning, an employee learns by observing the how voluntary behavior produces certain consequences. To increase the desired behavior of an employee one can either employ the use of positive reinforcement whereby an employee’s desired behavior is followed by a positive outcome, or negative reinforcement whereby negative outcome is r idden off through a desired behavior. As a manager, the best form of employee reinforcement would be positive reinforcement and extinction whereby the consequence of an unwanted behavior is removed for example, stop downloading non-work related videos. Decision-making involves having a set of alternative options and choosing the one that is best suited for the issue at hand, this can be through intuitive decision making, in which the decisions are almost automatic to the person. On the other hand, rational decision making which is a systematic decision is making process and is mainly used by managers in an organization. Trust, Ethics and Justice There are different types of trusts and some depend on the trust, case and example, the disposition based trust, whereby, a person’s

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Report about this paper In Vitro Activities of Synthetic Host Defense Assignment

Report about this paper In Vitro Activities of Synthetic Host Defense Propeptides Processed by Neutrophil Elastase against Cystic Fibrosis Pathogens - Assignment Example The potential of HDPs as multifunctional effectors of innate immunity in higher organism provides the impetus and motivation for the progress in their research. The research paper being summarized in this report is In vitro activities of synthetic host defense propeptides processed by neutrophil elastase against cystic fibrosis pathogens authored by Stephen Desgranges, Florie Le Prieult, Alan Daly’ Jeniffer Lydon, Marian Brennan, Dilip K. Rai, Anusha P. Subasinghage, Chandralal M. Hewage, Sally-Ann Cryan, Catherine Greene, Noel G. McElvaney, Timothy P. Symth and Marc Devocelle. This paper was published in the journal Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy under the American society for microbiology on May 2011. The journal has an impact factor of 4.672, a respectable impact factor for any reputable journal. Publishing of the work was significant to shed light on light on activities of synthetic host defense propeptides firsthand and hinder other person/groups doing so first. The Desgranges et al have undertaken a study where they have reported the in vitro activities of synthetic host defense propeptides against cystic pathogens namely Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ­ [2]. This paper focuses on the effect of modifying the propeptide by reducing the net change on the antimicrobial and haemolytic activity. The aim of this work by Desgranges et al was to utilize the abnormal amounts of neutrophil elastase present in cystic fibrosis to process several synthetic prodrugs against common pathogens in cystic fibrosis, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus [2]. Peptides are present in many living systems and are utilized by the innate immune systems to combat invading pathogens. Therefore this study aims at constructing a propeptide that will be able to evade the host immune system and also be a substrate for the all abundant neutrophil elastase present in cystic fibrosis lung. Since peptides

HR Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HR Project - Essay Example In fact I will ensure that employees develop trust in what I do, what I say and what I target for in the organisation. Employ proper communication – I will always ensure that every employee is honored through great communication. This will be achieved by taking ample time to listen to them every time they want to say something. The Cafà © Supervisor jobs description entails working together with the Cafà © Cook to effectively manage the cafà © and make sure that client’s anticipation of food and beverages in addition to customer service are addressed satisfactorily. This will revolve around many features of running a cafà © which includes equipment, services, health and safety, customer care and management. The Cafà © Supervisor is expected to work in the kitchen when the cook is off. The candidate for this job needs to be a good communicator, trustworthy, hardworking and a person willing to work under pressure. Good communicators will manage to pass crucial information to clients and to the Area Manager in correct written or verbal means of communication. They can simply withstand any pressure arising from any division of the job. Based on the qualification for this job, I will come up with a hands-on strategy to recruitment and selection of prospective candidates. Above all, I will invest time invaluably into the entire process. I will use the job description and advertisement which are appropriate to foster candidates with talent, skills and experience to send their applications. I will apply a wide range of recruitment techniques to find prospective candidates reasonably and systematically. I will appreciate all the applicants and act towards them with respect at every stage of the recruitment. The sources of workers will depend largely on an individual. However, most preferable candidates need to come from Annapolis Maryland. This will enhance work efficiency regarding the job hours and the job needs. In order for me to abide by the job laws

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mitosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mitosis - Essay Example Cell division is a basic phenomenon of life in living organisms. It is known that the process of cell division, irrespective of the animal species, remains invariably the same. It is here that we comprehend that despite being the different in their outward appearance this basic phenomenon invariably remains the same. In byline, the author of the article, Daniel Needleman, has said that experimentation has been able to understand the difference that exists in this cell division phenomenon among the animals. This difference is found out to reside on the chromosomal and molecular level rather on higher level view. This difference can also exist even between similar organisms. Over a long period of time, it was known that spindle fibers that segregate chromosomes during cell division show great variation in size and shape, but the underlying reason was not discovered. Experiments have shown that the embryos that undergo the process of division, after repeated division cycles, considerabl y reduced in size and so did the spindle sizes. The experiments conducted on organisms like mouse have revealed many facts yet it has been difficult to ascertain any explicit cause to the phenomenon. Thus, another aspect that is attributed with the change is the change in biochemistry during the course of cell division. To infer a proximal result of the obvious phenomenon, a causative analysis is used as help. Cellular biology research has, therefore, evaluated a relationship during the course of development, between protein and phenotype. ... This experiment is multistage causal analysis procedure (Wilbur and Held). Embryos are subjected to tests during different stages of their development. It revealed that the change in size of spindles was not caused by division rather it was related to the state of cytoplasm. This in turn puts a question mark on how cytoplasm produces such change. To answer this question a categorization of the same microtubules was made. Early stages revealed less de-polymerization or catastrophe to these microtubules, as compared to those in the late stages. This revelation through stag-wise analysis did not reveal the true picture that could be able to answer above mentioned questions. Varying lengths of microtubules during the de-polymerization cannot be understandable reason. Later Wilbur and Heald used another approach to understand the size variation of spindles. Cytoplasm and its effects on elementary protein structures of spindles were analyzed. Proteins responsible for microtubule catastroph ies in different extracts were identified as Kinesin-13 and Kif2a. Kif2a was thought to be the reason of change in spindle sizes but extracts have revealed that concentration of this type of proteins remains constant during all stages of development. A co-existing phenomenon of importin-alpha attaching to the membrane or leaving the cytoplasmic area caused kif2a to be more active, that in turns increases microtubule catastrophy rates. (Wilbur Heald, 2013) Suggestion about this mechanism is perhaps understandable with the help of biochemistry, as with change in size due to successive divisions cause greater surface to volume ration than in larger cells. The only point in this understandable phenomenon is that why importin-alpha tends to be sequestered with the cell membrane

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Asian Commercial Dominance Annotated Bibliography

Asian Commercial Dominance - Annotated Bibliography Example This is politically, socially and economically. Its dominance economically is represented by countries in this continent. Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, China, India and South Korea are some of the countries that contribute to its economic stability. It is the annual GDP from these countries that has enabled the continent to compete actively with Europe. Other countries like Mongolia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand have also grown tremendously in the economic sector. All this coupled with the minerals in some of the Asian countries ensures that it expands economically. Minerals are found in abundance in Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia amongst others. This has enabled the economic exchange between this continent and many others (Levinson, p 34). The European continent has over the years held the helm in economic stability. It is ranked the highest in relation to current GDP. This position is threatened by the continued dominance of the Asian continent. Th e above mentioned countries have contributed in their own way to overall Asia’s economic dominance. China has grown steadily over the years to ensure that it is the second largest economic powerhouse in the world. It strongly competes with the nation of Japan. This is in relation to many manufacturing plants. Japan is a powerhouse for very many industrial companies all over the world. It is famous for worldwide brands that include Samsung, Toshiba, Sharp, Phillips, and LG amongst many others (Higham, p 45).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Careers in health care industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Careers in health care industry - Essay Example Health Information and Medical Records TechnicianThey are concerned with keeping patients health information records. The Department of labor in the US estimates 20% growth in this career before 2018. To be in this field, a degree in an associate’s degree is required (Parker 1).Medical AssistantThey work directly with patients. They work on the patient’s medical history and also take their vital signs. An Associate’s degree or a certificate program are the requirements.Pharmacy TechnicianThey provide customer service and also prescribe medication to patients. Only an Associate’s degree or certificate are needed.Environmental health directorTraining environmental regulations as well as offering education concerning the government in public operations and also in private. Degree in Bachelor’s and also Master’s is needed.Offers quality of services agrees with government regulations, and they are also consulted by them, medical professionals.Dire ctor of EpidemiologyHave the responsibility to determine the cause of a disease as well as health problems providing protection against further recurrence.Industrial waste directorThey focus on keeping the society clean to public health is safe. They ensure that the public employees do their work of collecting the garbage to keep the community cleanRadiation safety specialistThey offer facilities related to public health in dealing with environmental laws. This individual ensures that hazardous materials are kept safe to prevent accidents (Tommy 1).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Organisational dialouge Essay Example for Free

Organisational dialouge Essay Question 2: A range of authors (e.g. Gerard and Ellinor 2001; Isaacs 1993, 1999; Schein 1993; Senge 1995) suggest that dialogue can positively transform organizational cultures. Do you agree with this assessment? Why? Why not? Engage with relevant academic literature in developing your argument. Student Name: Nguyen Vu Hoang Dung Student Number: 11477445 In organization people spend 80 percent of their time to communicate (The British Psychological Society 2012). Communication is a key tool to share information, foster different opinions and build alignment and trust. According to Gerard Teurfs (1995), the process of dialogue is an invitation to create organization cultures through conversations. It acts as a learning environment that shifting individuals to â€Å"a deeper understanding of collaboration in groups, and a new way of sensing their connections to others throughout the organization† (Querubin 2011, p.19). It brings all the ideas together and suspends judgment so people will have a greater chance to understand each other (Brayman, Grey Stearns 2010). This essay will analyze the role of dialogue in transforming organizational cultures positively and all the benefits it brings. However, it will also examine the challenges of implementing dialogue. Organizational culture includes shared values and beliefs that guide behaviors of all members and determine the way things should be done in the organization (Sergiovanni 1984). Company has its own culture usually indicates higher performance. The role of dialogue is not only to spread the common values and meanings that company wants its employees to follow but also allow everyone to express their own interest. According to Gerard and  Ellinor (2001), the main purpose of dialogue is to produce collective understanding. Firstly, they compared the differences between dialogue and discussion. In discussion, people tend to protect their own thoughts and do not truly concern about other’s opinions and needs. They play as a speaker’s role rather than as a listener. It might leave the remainder out of discussion with frustration, isolation and disrespect. Decisions could be made by the person who has the most power and influence in the group (Gerard and Ellinor 2001). Hence it weakens the aim of enhancing organizational cultures. In contrast, when employees participate in a dialogue, their role as a listener is more important than as a speaker. They desire to hear what others want to say. They try to fit all different perspectives into a common value. Therefore, if issues occur, they listen to deeply understand other’s thoughts and opinions (Gerard and Ellinor 2001). By doing that, employees are getting closer to each other and conflicts are minimized. They help their team or their department to build shared culture. Secondly, Gerard and Ellinor (2001) stated five skills of dialogue including suspension of judgment, listening, reflection, assumption identification and inquiry. They defined the meaning of suspension in dialogue is not to stop one’s judgment about a problem. Instead, they have to aware what their judgments are and â€Å"then holding them lightly so they can still hear what others are saying† (Gerard and Ellinor 2001, p. 7). After listening carefully to other’s ideas, they need to reflect their own assumptions. Therefore, to revising whether those assumptions are linked to the organization or not. If they cannot understand the differences, they must inquire for more information. Hence, this process of dialogue enables each employee to foster different views and converge them together to become one unique aim. Organizational culture is enhanced. In agreement with Gerard and Ellinor, Isaacs (1999) analyzed four principles of dialogue based on Bohm’s research in 1996. They are listening, respecting, suspending and voicing. Firstly, Isaacs had compared listening skill in dialogue to listening to music. He stated a single note of music could not deliver the meaning of the whole song. It is similar to one’s role in a conversation. A single idea is not sufficient to set purposes and  cultures for the whole organization. Hence, dialogue is an excellent practice to give people a chance to listen deeply and get into the nature of the conversation. Secondly, he defined respecting as getting to know more about one person and figure out what sources or circumstances has created their particular thinking. Based on this understanding, people in an organization will pay more respect to each other. The main goal of respecting in dialogue is not to seek decision but to tolerate difference, gap and conflict (Isaacs 1999). The third principle of dialogue, suspending, is determined similar to Gerard and Ellinor (2001). And the last principle Isaacs mentioned is voicing. He suggested people should listen internally so as to select what should say and what should not say in a circumstance. Sometimes keeping silence and listen can achieve the best result. Therefore, the purpose of voicing means people contribute their speech, not only for themselves, but to the whole idea. Overall, these principles are considered having positive effects on organizational learning. They emphasize group and organization achievements rather than an individual accomplishment. In Schein’s study (1993), he described dialogue as â€Å"talking around the campfire† (p. 391). He used â€Å"campfire† as a metaphor to explain how decision is made through dialogue. In the past, people sat around campfire during meeting and shared their own opinions. Arguments would never come up as people just simply expressed their thoughts without any discussion or debate. Through that, they were aware themselves which idea was acceptable and were unacceptable (Schein 1993). This process allowed enough time for each person to listen to a deeper layer of other’s opinions then reflect on their own assumptions. Moreover, Schein introduced the check-in concept. At the beginning of the meeting, each person will respectively contribute his or her ideas, views and feelings to the group as a whole, and therefore, â€Å"has helped to create the group† (Schein 1993, p. 392). Lastly, Schein stressed the limitation of eye contact. This makes people feel ea sier to suspend disagreements and concentrate on listening. Senge (1995) determined dialogue as a facilitator for team learning. Based on his research, team is the key unit to build culture in an organization. By applying dialogue into team learning process, it develops shared vision and  brings result every member truly desires. It also creates teamwork and shares equal leadership to each member in the group. Through sharing a common pool of meaning, culture is positively transforming from individual to group values and beliefs. Although dialogue is proved to have a great effect on organizational culture, there are challenges in implementing it into organization learning system. The first challenge is due to hierarchy level in an organization (Raelin 2012). Dialogue requires equal say and sharing from each member of the organization. However, employees tend to afraid of expressing their true views in front of their managers. They leave decision making to people at higher position. In top-down companies, upper levels of management have full knowledge of desired targets, goals and norms. They have the right and ability to create and change organizational culture. They enforce rules and duties on their employee. They usually do not spend time to listen to individual’s opinion and feeling. Hence, it is very challenging to apply dialogue into this type of business. Furthermore, if the organization involves a cross-culture, that employee come from different culture backgrounds, there is a need for a more lengthy and complicated process of dialogue (Schein 1993). In this type of organization, people use different languages and operate from different mental models. Organization needs to design a dialogue that enables all these people to communicate effectively. Thornhill, Lewis Saunders (2000) also emphasized there is may be a need to â€Å"re-designing of performance appraisal systems and reward systems† and â€Å"the re-definition of job roles to induce employees into accept the new behavior expected from them† (p. 27). Hence it is costly and time consuming. Finally, dialogue may not be suitable to apply to all organizations cultures in the world. For example, Western culture is different from Eastern culture. As dialogue encourage the limitation of eye contact (Schein 1993), people from the West will consider this as impolite or even disrespectful (Spindler 1990). In addition, in Western countries people prefer confrontation whereas Eastern people prefer to say what they feel most  appropriate in this circumstance or least hurtful to the others (Schein 1993). Therefore, dialogue must be selective so it is suitable for each particular organization. In conclusion, dialogue has played a key role in positively transforming organizational culture. It acts as a learning environment that shifts individual to group thinking. It leads each employee to recognize the essential of collaborating in a group. Querubin (2011) demonstrated that dialogue enables members to â€Å"become open to diversity and lose an â€Å"us vs. them† paradigm so prevalent in task-oriented cultures† (p. 19). Hence, group achievement is more important than individual accomplishment. Moreover, dialogue includes suspending of judgment, listening, respect, reflection, assumption and voicing. Through all these principles, dialogue creates collective understanding and leads all members of the organization to higher commitment. However, the implementation of dialogue still faces several challenges, including hierarchy levels, time consuming and different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, selective approach of dialogue must be considered to apply to specifi c organization. REFERENCES Bohm, D. 1996, On Dialogue. Ed. Lee Nichol, Routledge, London New York. Brayman, J., Grey, M. Stearns, M. 2010, Taking Flight to Literacy and Leadership, Rowman Littlefield, viewed 16 December 2010, Ellinor, L. Gerard, G. 2001, Dialogue at Work: Skills at Leveraging Collective Understanding, Pegasus Communications, Waltham, MA. Ellinor, L. Gerard, G. 2001, Dialogue at Work: Skills at Leveraging Collective Understanding, Pegasus Communications, Waltham, MA, pp. 7. Gerard, G. Teurfs, L. 1995, Dialogue and Organizational Transformation, 1st edn, Sterling Stone, Inc., San Francisco. Isaacs, W. 1999, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together: A Pioneering Approach to Communicating in Business and in Live, Currency, New York. Querubin, C. 2011, ‘The effect on the organization’, Dialogue: Creating Shared Meaning and Other Benefits for Business, pp. 19, Raelin, J. 2012, ‘Dialogue and deliberation as expressions of democratic leadership in participatory organizational change’, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 25. Schein , E. H. 1993, On dialogue, culture, and organizational learning . Organizational Dynamics, pp 391-392. Senge, P. M. 1995, The spirit of personal mastery, MN: Charthouse International Learning Corporation, Burnsville. Sergiovanni, T. 1984, ‘Leadership and excellence in schooling’, Educational Leadership Journal, vol. 4. Spindler, G. 1993, The American Cultural Dialogue and Its Transmission, Psychology Press, The British Psychological Society 2012, Dialogue: How to create change in organizations through conversation, viewed 14 May 2012, Thornhill, A., Lewis, M. Saunders, M. 2000, Managing Change: A Human Resource Strategy Approach, Prentice Hall, London.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Analysis of Australias Mental Health Policy

Analysis of Australias Mental Health Policy Policy Analysis Sile Mpofu At some stage in their lives, Australians will be affected by some form of mental illness. Mental illness is very common in Australia and at least 3% of the population experiences severe or recurrent illnesses and approximately 45% Australians experience mental problems at some point in their lives. (National health policy, 2008). According to the world health organistaion, 2004, a mental health policy is a set of objectives, principles and objectives which are organized to improve mental health and decreasing the number of mental problems in a population. A mental health policy is described as a vision for the future and it assists in establishing a model for action. A policy is meant to be implemented to cover a longer period for example between 5 to 10 years. A mental health policy prioritises the government in assigning health in relation to other health and policies. The history of this policy dates back from March 1991, when it was first implemented. The early parts of the policy focused on structural changes in how and where the mental health services were delivered, as the years went by it improved and the plans implemented became broader focusing on partnerships between various sectors, prevention and early intervention and involving the role of consumers and carers. however, in 2006 the policy experienced a large scale of mental health problems including areas like housing, justice and employment. The National health policy, 2008, aims at making sure that Australia has a good mental health system which will detect and come up with early interventions, promote recovery and ensure that every Australians affected by mental health illnesses has access to appropriate and effective treatment and also decreasing the stigma associated with mental illnesses. This mental health policy aims to increase the ability of youth, adults, children and older people to be able to realise that they have potential and to help them cope with normal life stresses and also their involvement in the community and lastly to assist those recovering from mental illnesses. (Mental health policy, 2008). This policy aims at developing policies and interventions to improve the mental health problems in Australia, using available resources to assist in achieving the greatest possible benefits, providing the most effective services for the ones who require it and helping improve people affected by mental problems. (Australian health ministries, 2009). Every Australian including those affected by mental illness have rights, they are entitled to take part within the community without experiencing discrimination, they should have easy access to literature, information and advocacy services, rehabilitation and even supported accommodation. People with mental illnesses must have the rights to be informed about their illnesses. The mental health legislation, 2008, is supposed exercise these rights. There are a number of problems associated with mental illnesses, these include, relationship breakdown, bereavement, unemployment, being a carer and removal of family, the aforementioned problems are immediate contributing factors to mental health issues. Certain risk factors which comprise of drugs, alcohol use and physical health problems some include being excluded socially, issues of discrimination and bullying. (Who,2008). Mental health for each individual is affected by personal factors and past experiences and cultural values. Daily lives and daily experiences influence mental health. (Lehtinen, Riikonen Lahtinen, 1997). Particular attention is focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who have no homes and are unemployed. Refugees are at high risk of mental health problems and focus will need to be on them as well as they are a high risk of committing to suicide and previous risk of harming themselves is also a contributing factor. (Parkar, Fernandes Weiss 2003). Even though this policy embraces the wellness programs in a diverse manner, it is also commonly focused on exercise, better eating and managing morbidities like hypertension and diabetes, and forgetting to focus on the mental health issues. To make matters worse people experiencing mental health issues become unwilling to report their conditions in the fear of ruining their careers and losing their jobs, more so the stigma attached to mental health issues contributes to this. (WHO, 2008). According to the mental health Policy 2008, employers tend not to see the warning signs of mental issues their workers experience until they look at their medical history and disability claims, this makes it difficult. Miles, M 2008, states that Mental health illnesses are very common in working adults because it was discovered that anxiety and depression medication were in the top three list of medications they take. Carers can be family members or friends and will need information and materials to assist in caring for their loved ones, carers tend not to be acknowledged but they play a very important role, and act as advocates who help in achieving recovery goals and influencing policy and practices and help to bring a positive change. Carers require respect and acknowledgement for what they do for them to be able to help their loved ones. Carers have their own needs and are also at a risk of developing depression themselves. Stress and anxiety are also a problem faced by carers and their needs have to be recognized and their wellbeing be protected. Support programs and respite services for carers to have breaks every now and then. (National health policy, 2008). The link between physical conditions and mental health are unnoticed or overlooked by employers because they concentrate on managing chronic conditions. The national mental health policy 2008, provided a strategic framework which is desirable, it is looked at as a wide agenda to guide the coordinated efforts in mental health reform over the next four years. The framework focuses on three determinants of mental health include, social inclusion, freedom from being discriminated against, violence, and economic participation. (McCubin, 1994) states that public health care for the under privileged is badly funded and this policy seeks out to improve this, there are three dominant discourse evidence in this policy which include, economic power, political/institutional power and ideological and discursive power. Economic power entails decisions about who gets services and what sort of services they get, healthier people have unlimited access to mental health services available whereas the poor ones have little or no access at all. Political institutional power. Ideological/discursive power, this involves treating most forms of mental illnesses and ignoring political, economic and social causes, this discourse reinforces peoples problems and once they are implemented they are led into overcoming social interventions. (Prilleltensky Gonick, 1996). Words commonly used include, strategies, health systems, policies, interventions, engage, Indigenous Australian, aims, frameworks, community. Criminal justice system, cultural respect and safety, disability, mental illness, primary care services and recovery. Different words and phrases are used in policy this is done to avoid misleading and ambiguous phrases. (National mental health policy,2008). The National Health Policy, 2008, recognises groups which can be highly affected by mental health problems, the main target of this policy is for individual who are homeless and disadvantaged, people exposed to trauma, and the ones that have chronic illnesses. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience more mental health problems compared to other Australians. This policy also recognises adolescents and older people because of their stages in life, however this policy does not target particular groups, this is yet to be identified and specific groups are mentioned by example. The mental health policy, 2008, states that the approach for a particular group will be based on evidence that is best available and to the tailored particular needs. The stakeholders in this particular policy include public mental health services, private mental health services, health care professionals, mental health service managers, carers, mental health consumers, families, mental health polic y makers, mental health advocates, psychiatrists to help in assessing patients, psychologists, general practitioners, and psychologists. All these stakeholders come together to help fight mental health and assist all those affected. (National mental health, 2008). Moral judgments expressed in this policy include looking at the right and wrong way of assisting people that are experiencing problems focusing on the positive actions and the consequences and evaluating the good and the bad outcomes associated with this this issue. (National health policy, 2008). This policy brought together different sectors that have an impact on the mental health of people, their community and their loved ones, this entails general wellbeing aged care, community care, employment, housing and indigenous affairs, by working together these sectors have a very important role to play in the promotion of the mental health and wellbeing of the population and come with ways of promoting early interventions. Social inclusion is important for all of the community and this policy is making an effort to improve it. Groups that are at risk of social exclusion are those that are homeless and, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and children who are disadvantaged. Social inclusion on the other hand will recognises that mental health is essential to the wellbeing of families, communities and individuals. (National health care policy,2008). The revised policy aims at representing a new commitment by all the health ministers and the ministers who are responsible for mental health to continued improvement of the mental health system of Australia. The policy looks at a holistic government approach to mental health issues, (Council of Australian governments, 2006). The mental health strategy looks into the future and its job is to maintain the policy’s efforts and work on building the success of the past and also look into the new challenges which need changes and new ways of working together to come up with good outcomes. The Health minister involved will adopt the challenge of leadership in mental health reform and the requirement for greater association and commitment across government to look at and sustain change. The mental health reform was increased by the government recently with it investing in clinical and community support services. This policy is known to be the next step in coming up with a better mental health system, its outcomes and actions from the policy that will make the necessary difference. (Council of australian governments, 2006). The world health organisation, 2001 came up with three ideas to improve mental health, these include viewing mental health as being an essential part of health, mental health being a lot more than absence of illness and mental health being linked with behavior and physical health. The mental health policy, 2008, aims at acknowledging the indigenous heritage and the different collaboration of Aboriginal people’s culture and their heritage to the Australian society, more so it also recognises indigenous people’s rights to the statuses and culture, their land and self-determination. This policy has different types of evidence which suggest that mental health as well as its determinants can be improved in relation with unplanned or even planned changes in the social and physical environment. The policy suggests that enough justification last for programme and policy interventions followed by evaluation of process and outcomes for individuals from low income back grounds. The policy plays a role in monitoring the effects on mental health of the social and environmental changes in any individual’s life. All these interventions will broaden the evidence the foundation to encourage solutions for a better mental health. The interests of all Australians affected by mental health were represented, but mainly Aboriginal people and children that are disadvantaged. (National health policy, 2008). Different solutions which target those at risk are comprehensive and they range from prevention and early interventions through providing treatments to continued care and preventing relapse. The main focus on recovery looks closely at developing new meaning and purpose and the being able to pursue certain goals within the community. The target should aim at assisting the whole population and promote mental health and wellbeing amongst individual affected by metal illnesses including their carers and families. (National health policy, 2008). The mental health sector, 2008 is responsible for coming up with solutions in this policy. The mental health sector provides properly tailored, culturally respective, evidence based delivery, responding effectively to individual needs. The solutions aim aStake holders are very important for a policy to be successful, for this policy to be created the stakeholders were motivated by the increasing the number people affected by mental health issues, helping people with mental health create a better frame of mind, helping people get better and take control of lives and creating positive changest biological, psychological and social factors, more so aim to assist or intervene earlier to help reduce symptoms, improve problems and mental issues. People with mental health illnesses will have access to non-government services, support from their peers, or acquire long term housing options. (Mental health policy, 2008). The policy looks at the importance of better mental illnesses for the community as a whole, its vision is for the continual reform of mental health delivery for all sectors. Everyone affected by mental health problems will be expected to receive services that meet and are supportive of their needs, other expectations will be for them to be involved in their own care and recovery. The success of this policy combines an approach involving many various government agencies and communities to deliver equal programs for individuals, the community and system levels. A lot of effort in the mental health promotion needs to take place beyond the healthcare system, in the sectors which impact on the daily living of people and the community to support development of resilience and maintaining mental wellbeing. This comprises of education, proper housing, employment, good justice and welfare of individuals. For a successful policy mental health services are supposed to deliver services in a way that is not judgmental and must be respectful. (National mental health policy, 2008). After this policy was implemented it proved to be effective as it brought about changes to those affected by mental issues. There proved to be lesser anxiety and depression moods, less misuse of substances. The physical health of affected people improved as well as productivity at work, home and school. Violence and crime even decreased by a great margin. Although there was still a lot work that needs to be done the policy has done a lot of work and changes to of the people. (Vichealth, 2009). The mental health policy, 2008, after its implementation helped in reducing health inequalities and also improved quality of life including life expectancy, sense of self determination was improved as well as self-esteem, and sense of belonging. (Vic health, 2009). . REFERENCES Mental health evidence, promoting, 2004, retrieved from World health organisation, 2004, retrieved from National mental health policy, 2008 retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Confucianism Vs Taoism Politics Philosophy Essay

Confucianism Vs Taoism Politics Philosophy Essay Government has such an important impact on societal issues and duties. The United States was constructed from a written constitution thus the formation of our federal government establishment. I look at the constitution as our means for living in a well established society. Many individuals have different beliefs in how a society should be run. Take a look at the ancient Chinese philosophies of Confucianism and Taoism. Each has a different set of standards in their philosophy of life. It is difficult to understand the ethics and politics of Confucianism and Taoism without understanding its philosophy. What if the United States were to take on one of these philosophies? I believe Confucianism would be more widely accepted in our society. We are a nation based more on the concerns dealing with rule and work which is relevant for Confucianisms essence of a structured civilization. The official doctrine in China by the second century B.C.E. was Confucianism. Confucius taught much about political inconstancy as he endured through the downfall of the Zhou dynasty. He had begun teaching at twenty-three years old and we get insightful information about some of his teachings through The Analects. Much of his writing is centered on issues the world with the focal points on family, politics, and modern humanity. Many ideals can be reach as being disciplined leading to virtuous accordance and communal efficiency. The Master said, He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger. (1595) The first sentence is the true core of knowledge. To fully understand what you have learned, it must be applied thus you are acquiring information. One who does not think may act on impulse. Thinking before you act can lead to gratifying decisions. In a government you need a leader that can focus on a problem and figure out all possible choices that will be beneficial to the society. After the decision is made then it is necessary to take action. We need these ideals for the foundation of a good leader and the individuals as well. If someone just acts on impulse or does nothing, problems will arise either way. If you cannot be evaluating a certain thought, then nothing is gained in retrospect. Our Masters Way is simply this: Loyalty, consideration. (1596) Confucius wanted to convey moral principles to establish a structured society. You yourself desire rank and standing; then help others to get rank and standing. You want to turn your own merits to account; then help others to turn theirs to account- in fact, the ability to take ones own feelings as a guide- that is the sort of thing that lies in direction of Goodness. (1596) A strong leader should be able to take care of his people. In return the people will abide by the rules which will result in a well developed society. Never do to others what you would not like them to do to you. (1597) If we commence this morale rule than it would make sense for people to get along cohesively. No one is ever beneath you so selfishness should be nonexistent. The Master said, A country of a thousand war-chariots cannot be administered unless the ruler attends strictly to business, punctually observes his promises, is economical in expenditure, shows affection towards his subjects in general. (1600) The Master said, Govern the people by regulations, keep order among them by chastisements, and they will flee from you, and lose all self-respect. Govern them by mental force, keep order among them by ritual, and they will keep their self-respect and come to you of their own accord. (1601) A set of laws are instituted and should be followed, but the means of ethics would be followed if they saw their leader to be commendable. There would be an understanding for the governing embodiment concerning stability of virtue between individual and ruler. At the same time the ruler must be applying the example of good virtue. You will get the same respect back in return. Laozi wrote a collection of poems entitled, Dao De Jing. The ideology of Laozi was polar opposite of what we saw from Confucius. Lao Tzu illustrates the meaning of life through Dao which literally means the way. It is based on the individual to move connectively in the eternal flow of life that define the basis of Taoism. Taoism is believed that everything happens naturally in the world, thus human behavior is in correspondence of its nature. The way to improve morality is doing nothing so that nothing is forced. Additionally it is about reaching beyond the sector of the traditional society. A true follower will not be attached to the power and politics of ordinary societal standards. Give up learning and put an end to your troubles. (1607) Hence I know that value of nonaction. Teaching without words and work without doing Are understood by very few. (1609) The farther you go, the less you know. Thus the sage knows without traveling; He sees without looking; He works without doing. (1610) Laozi says that inaction is the way to live in a state of natural harmonious bliss. The Dao states that no one should be conformed to society because we are just free spirits in the universe. We are not tied down to standard living and all expectations should be thrown away. You learn from your sense of self by the force of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang is the approach of two of something forming to coherence. It is more important To see the simplicity, To realize ones true nature, To cast off selfishness And temper desire. (1607) Laozi wants society to give up materialistic possessions. We are endlessly learning and building upon expectations. The expectations are from our society which creates distress hiding from the greater good of humanity. The American Dream is the success of power and money which many of us chase after. Americans would never be able to give up material possessions. Going with the flow isnt always the best way to lead your life. At some point there will be important decisions that will alter your journey in life. Taoism wants you to sit back and relax, but inactivity can lead to destruction. It is hard to picture a leader in society to just go with the flow in directing his country. Productivity is vital to success. If a war breaks out we need to act quickly for the sake of protecting our people and our future endeavors. Americans are too selfish for Taoism because we have the conception of want embedded in our brain. I think in the sense of traditional American values and being in line with the American Dream, Confucianism would be the more popular philosophy. Â  It stresses themes of dedication to ones duty in life, dedication to ones family, social responsibility, and almost Christian-like themes of helping others and benevolence. Many Americans can learn from the Confucianism philosophy. The ideas we are given from The Analects are structural enough for the foundation of political authority in establishing a society. On the contrary I do believe Taoism offers a counterbalance to the political ideals of Confucianism. Sometimes we get too involved with power which sometimes can lead to destruction when you are not looking out for the people. At the same time Confucianism has a means of higher authority through a set of moral principles. Furthermore our country needs a set of laws that everyone is subject to. Without order chaos will break out with pure insanity. No society will ever be perfect, but we can always be willing to improve our standards of living a better life.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

lord of the rings Essay -- essays research papers

The Two Towers Main Characters- Frodo Baggins, a hobbit, the main character of the story, the bearer of the evil ring, sent to destroy it in the fires of Mount Doom. He is very strong, but has trouble sometimes making choices, and sometimes makes wrong ones, wields Sting the dagger of his Uncle Bilbo Baggins. Samwise Gamzee, a hobbit, Frodo’s companion on his journey to destroy the ring, he is always looking out for Frodo, to help him in any way he can, wields a dagger, sword to him. Pippin Took, a hobbit, Frodo’s constant companion until captured by the Orcs, with Merry, and finally escape, and find the Ents, and go to defeat Saruman. Merry, a hobbit, Frodo’s constant companion until captured by the Orcs, with Pippin, and finally escape, and find the Ents, and go to defeat Saruman. Gandalf the white, the wizard on the journey helps make most of the decisions until he, and Frodo are split up, then goes after Saruman to defeat him, and his tower, wields a great wizard staff. Aragorn heir to the king of Gondor, Frodo’s companion until they are split up, then goes after Pippin, and Merry to save them, and after he finds them helps Gandalf defeat Saruman, wields broken sword restored which helped defeat Sauron. Legalos, a young elf, rides with Aragorn and Gimli through the book to help with what he can, wields a bow. Gimli, a dwarf, who goes with Aragorn, and then with Gandalf, he wields an axe, and will fight to the death. Gollum- A once man corrupted by the ring, now ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Plot Line Revealed in Act 1 of Shakespeare’s As You Like It :: Shakespeare As You Like It Essays

The opening scene of Shakespeare’s As You Like It, in which there is nothing light – hearted, is completely expository and contrived but fulfilling its function of revealing the plot line to the audience. The fact that Shakespeare uses this kind of dramatic technique in the first scene twice shows that he wants to make the wickedness of Oliver perfectly clear. The action starts when Orlando, the younger brother decides to rebel against the oppression of his older brother, who is treating him like a common pheasant. He tells Oliver: ‘The spirit of my father, which I think is within me, begins to mutiny against this servitude. I will no longer endure it, yet I know no wise remedy how to avoid it.’ Orlando’s complaints are completely justified, as Oliver is mean spirited and malicious in the treatment of Orlando, which the audience can clearly see from this opening scene. Oliver appears cold and distant when he speaks with Orlando: ‘Now, sir, what make you here?’ -And this contrasts greatly with the ‘sisterly bond’ between Rosalind and Celia. Orlando approaches Oliver with defiance and a confrontational attitude, arousing the audiences interest at this quarrel, and establishing his character: assertive, honest and bold, a character that every audience will like and take an interest in. Oliver also shows that he is adept in the wordplay matches the play holds. Orlando and Oliver exchange much verbal sparring in the first scene, including when Orlando seizes his brother by the throat, Oliver exclaims, ‘Wilt thou lay hands on me, villain?’ Orlando picks up the root meaning of these words, that he is a person of ignorable birth and replies, ‘I am no villain: I am the younger son of Sir Rowland de Boys; he was my father, and is thrice a villain that says such a father begot villains.’ Shakespeare uses an artful device to portray information to the audience by using the two quarrelling brothers. In Oliver’s soliloquy we can almost anticipate that he is planning something against Orlando: ‘I hope I shall see an end of him’ The opening scene begins with conflict and tension, which arouses interest in the audience. It also presents us with strong character interactions and strong feelings: jealousy, hatred and wickedness, all of which are appealing for anyone watching the play. The theme of injustice also entices the audience and the fact that Oliver is planning against his younger brother is particularly interesting.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Explain How the Understanding of Peace Is Expressed Through the Sacred Texts in 2 Religious Traditions Essay

By looking into their sacred texts and teachings on peace, we can gain a valuable insight into how these religions explain peace. The teaching of peace is central to Christianity. They use the sacred text of the bible, mostly the New Testament with emphasis on the Gospels as the source for teachings on peace. The New Testament states peace as a virtue and identifies it as a key element of God. Christians use Jesus’ example to illustrate the ideal model for peace in their lives. This model allows for adherents to understand the peace of God through the gift of the Holy Spirit and peace in relationships whereby Christians are expected to work in harmony with others in order to achieve peace As well as this the teaching on war and peace â€Å"love your neighbour as yourself. †(Matthew) and the teaching on peace and justice are both exemplified by Pope John XXIII’s notion that there can only be peace if there is justice. The Christian teaching on peace revolves around the covenant relationship between the adherent and God. This peace is given by Christ and is shown in the sacred texts of the New Testament â€Å"My peace I leave with you,† and is described as â€Å"one of the fruits with the spirit. †(Galatians). Jesus tells his followers that â€Å"in me you may have peace,† (John) suggesting that the concept of spiritual peace is embodied in the teachings of Jesus Christ. The importance of peace is clear in the Beatitudes were Jesus stated â€Å"blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God†. Christians believe that through baptism they have been called to follow Jesus’ as their model in life. By following his example, Christians acquire peace by obeying the commands of Jesus and therefore the principle teachings of Christianity â€Å"You must love your neighbour as you love yourself. † The bible states that Christians can achieve peace through the specific teaching of Jesus to forgive those who have wronged you. â€Å"If he wrongs you†¦you must forgive him. † (Luke). Forgiveness and compassion is at the heart of the Bibles message. Further to this, Christians can achieve peace through their practice of individual and communal prayer. The Christian biblical view on peace is one that demonstrates the idea that they should work for it. Through the beatitudes, Christians are encouraged to be the peacemakers in society. â€Å"Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God. † Further to this, Christians believe in the sanctity of life through the covenant of the 10 commandments which state â€Å"Thou shall not kill. † Peace is work of justice and the effect of charity. In the case of conflict, Christians resort to the idea of violence being a last resort and refer to the Just War theory in order to determine whether conflict is applicable. The bible teaches adherents to promote peace on an international level, aiming to work for peace, justice and reconciliation. Islam like Christianity was a religion founded on the virtue of peace. Islam is referred to in the Qur’an as â€Å"the paths of peace† and it is taught that peace must always be actively sought out by Muslims. The Qur’an sees reconciliation as a basic stance and states that Allah abhors the disturbance of peace. Muslims too believe that there can only be peace if there is justice. In Islam, peace takes a variety of forms. It is seen as a quality of personal tranquillity and fulfilment bestowed by Allah to reward submission. This surrender of mental and physical devotion begins with the concept of Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah in all aspects of Muslim life. The Qur’an states that â€Å"In remembrance of God do hearts fins satisfaction. † This concept is embodied by the 5 pillars of Islam. Through the Salat, attention is drawn to Allah, marginalising distraction in order to devote more fully to the divine. Sawm and Zakat illustrate physical sacrifices for Islam which allows the adherent to appreciate Allah’s role as of life. The Hajj focuses on morality by allowing the adherent o come closer to Allah in their individual search of inner peace. Along with this, the study of the sacred texts of Islam, the Qur’an and Hadith equips adherents with necessary theological understanding for a meaningful life of submission which in turn brings peace. This study allows Muslims to understand peace being a reward for following the teachings of Allah and his prophet Mohammad. Peace be upon you because you have persevered. † Another concept of achieving peace is through collective worship. It encourages commitment in the struggle against the greater Jihad. Like Christianity, Islam encourages adherents to strive for peace. Both typify the complex relationship between religion and peace. The standard greeting to another person in Arabic is â€Å"As-Salamu-Alaykum (Peace be with you) † (Qur’an), which encourages Muslims to â€Å"Promote peace among men. † (Sura). There are various organisations in Islam that promote peace. E. g. The Islamic Conference which promotes world peace and safeguards the interest of the Muslim world. The understanding of peace throughout both Christianity and Islam has been influenced by their sacred texts. It is ultimately through the interpretation of these texts that adherents learn the values of peace. They all demonstrate that peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but is also a complex intertwined system of teachings and that there are various avenues to achieving the ideal state of peace.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Starbucks Weakness

Starbucks, as we all know, are one of the globally popular companies, but like everything else, it has its own weaknesses. Here I will suggest some solutions to help solve the problems faced in their inventory management processes. Starbucks follows the EOQ model, which involves heavy calculations and predictions. Without the formulas and some basic information about the demands from customers, the cost of placing orders, and other variables, the calculation of the EOQ model will not be able to reach its optimal potential. From this, collecting the accurate information for the calculations is vital, the company has to acquire reliable and timely sources. Conveying surveys, searching data online from sources like Google Analytics about the spending behavior, and carrying out research are among the ways to collect vital info from current and potential customers. By doing this, it can help determine the annual demand of the company, which can help solve or at least ease on the uncertainties of demand. Having skilled or experienced employees/ staff is also crucial as they are considered by some are the most valuable assets of a company, which they experience customer feedback firsthand. These ‘customer feedback’ are useful to further improve the customer of said company. Listening to employee feedbacks can also help to execute certain operations, selling products to customers, and how to do things better (Vos 2013, p. 1). Other than that, having good employees that takes charge of the calculation, for example the calculation of the EOQ model, are vital because they are needed to calculate the best possible figures of ordering. Through this, it can help narrow down the EOQ model predictions. Also, they can help predict through experience without completely relying on the calculations. Calculation based on the EOQ model also requires constant set of data. For example, the demand for the year has to be known (which has been covered on the second paragraph on accurate data collection), the cost of ordering has to be same throughout the year and also the lead time must not fluctuate and remains consistent. Having a good supplier can help solve the consistency of ordering cost and also constant lead time (Ready Ratios, 2013). A good supplier will be able to achieve expected results, offering good quality of products and delivering goods on time are among some of the benefits of having a good supplier. Building a good relationship with the supplier will get you more benefits, such as priority as a valued customer, competitiveness (in terms of pricing, quality, reliability ahead of the competition, in this case, Starbucks, is facing), innovation and also product development (Bob Reiss, 2010). Other than that, having good material handling can also help cope with the unpredictable usages or the uncertainties of demand. By having good material handling, the company can improve the efficiency of the production this will save time and indirectly save labor cost as productions run faster. It can also maximize space utilization by storing materials in the way it should, it also can reduce cost by saving on inventory carrying cost which is not properly handled. All of this are necessary to make sure if something goes wrong in the calculation, the loss can hopefully be covered by the savings in material handling, making the loss easier to swallow. Having good transport of goods is also beneficial by having shorter lead time and at the same time transporting more goods are both time and cost saving. Furthermore, keeping a contingency plan at the ready can also help the company in case of unpredictable situations happening, such as natural disasters, shortage of raw materials usually hits us by surprise. So, to keep the company on their toes, to be ready to face emergencies such as this, the company can either keep additional safety stocks, or have another backup supplier from another region to provide with the supplies just to counter the sudden changes and to prevent stock outs to happen. Other than that, the appropriate application of the contingency plan can showcase how the company can utilize and prove to others that the company can manage themselves well, inviting more investors to join in the company. Moreover, advancement of technology plays a part in the inventory management of Starbucks. They can use it to keep track of their inventory much faster and efficient. This allows them to keep track and keep updated with how many units they have. With this said, they can improve their inventory flow and also quickly order materials that are needed for fear that miscalculation happens in the EOQ model which leads to surplus or shortage of materials, with the help of inventory management system (IMS) that Starbucks uses, they can further improve their services and provide better quality products. To wrap things up, to have a successful company, one needs to have more than a capable workforce, it needs to have a blend of luck and some daring decisions to start up something new. For instance, Starbucks Corp. which was founded by a few teachers and their friends, and with a simple idea of a company selling overpriced coffee with decent atmosphere. Who could’ve thought that it could be this successful? References 1. Bob Reiss. (2010).  Build a Good Relationship With Suppliers.  Available: Last accessed 15th June 2013. 2. 2013.  Economic Order Quantity Model (EOQ). [online] Available at: [Accessed: 16 Jun 2013]. 3. Vos, L. 2013.  People: The Most Important Asset of Any Company. [e-book] Georgia: p. 1. Available through: Georgia SBDC [Accessed: 16 Jun 2013].